Lab Facilities

In January 2003, the EPL moved into a newly remodeled space approximating 3,780 sq. ft. dedicated to exercise and health psychology research. The EPL now constitutes several elements including a 1,100 sq. ft. office wing housing graduate students, project coordinators, exercise technicians, and post-doctoral fellows associated with the EPL.
Immediately adjacent is a state-of-the art 1,600 sq. ft. laboratory comprised of two testing areas, a data processing and analysis area, and a conference room and reception area. In addition, the EPL has a 1000 sq. ft. dedicated exercise area used for training studies and also has ample storage space. The EPL has dual testing stations for graded maximal exercise testing, resting metabolic measurement, and exercise-related experiments. These stations employ fully integrated Trackmaster treadmills, digital Cardio Control EKG systems, True One 2400 metabolic measurement systems, and a Lode Corival cycle ergometer.
In addition, the EPL has large number of heart rate monitors, accelerometers, and other objective monitoring systems for the assessment of physical activity. The EPL utilizes secure server space for the storage, processing, and analysis of physiological and psychosocial data and the screening, scheduling, and coordination of experiments and controlled exercise trials. These computers are maintained by both departmental and laboratory administrators to ensure network security and data integrity.