Principal Investigator: Dr. Neha P. Gothe
Director, Exercise Psychology Lab
A Research Study funded by the National Institute on Aging
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About the study
The S.A.Y. Exercise study is funded by the National Institute of Aging (NIA), whose mission is to promote research focused on healthy aging and well-being for the ever increasing population of older adults. Age is one of the biggest risk factors for cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's. Fortunately, exercise is a successful method to improve brain and cognitive health later in life.
The purpose of our study is to examine how 6 months of either yoga, stretching-toning or aerobic exercise will affect the cognitive and physical health of older adults. Additionally we are interested in observing how these effects are maintained over a year.
- 55-79 years of age
- No past or current diagnosis of cognitive impairment
- Low active ( ≤ 2 days of 30 minutes of structured exercise/week)
- Absence of health conditions that may be exacerbated by exercise
- No MRI contraindications
- Right-handed
- Intention to remain in C-U area over duration of study period
- Willing to be randomized into one exercise group
- No joint pain or recent surgery for back, shoulder, knee or hands, sciatica or other peripheral nerve damage
Safety is our top priority, especially during this time as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Staff are tested weekly
- Staff are required to wear masks and face shields
- Exercise spaces will be cleaned and disinfected daily
- Participants will receive their own exercise equipment
- Participants will be distanced 6ft apart

Study Assessments
- Brain imaging (MRI/fMRI)
- Aerobic fitness
- Blood analyses
- Cognitive testing (brain games)
- Physical activity using a pedometer like device
- Questionnaires about your perceived health and well-being

Study Timeline
- After study enrollment, you will complete all assessments BEFORE being randomized into one of three exercise groups
- Six months later-after the exercise sessions-you will complete all the study assessments from baseline.
- Twelve months later, you will once again repeat the study assessments. This is to understand the potential lasting health benefits of your exercise participation

Benefits of Participation
- Receive up to $240 for completing all study assessments
- Work with trained exercise leaders
- Meet fellow community members and enjoy a group exercise program
- Receive personalized feedback at the end of the study about changes in your health and fitness levels